Monday, September 23, 2013

Songs and Stuff

Upon making this blog, I wasn't sure if I should start with fully planned-out entries or just begin with
 spontaneously written posts. Well, I can now say, I have finally made my decision. Why not a little bit of both? (haha that rhymed)

So, today decided to share some music I've been loving!

1. The Love Club- Lorde
The first song I've been loving lately is a song called "The Love Club" by a newer artist who you may have heard of, Lorde!

I've had her album (also titled "The Love Club" if you'd like to check it out!) on repeat for the past few weeks! Her voice is amazing and goes so well with the beats that go into her songs. I really like her style of music because it's something you don't hear everyday, yet it's incredibly easy to listen to.

2. Moondust- Jaymes Young
The next song I've really been liking is the song "Moondust" by Jaymes Young. I came across this song in Sawyer Hartman's "My Hometown Thru My Eyes" (which you can checkout here)!
I can't even describe how much I love this song! The verses just flow so perfectly with the chorus and it has such an originial sound to it! I'm literally obsessed with it!

3. Vienna-Billy Joel
This one's an oldie! Last but certainly not least, lately I have been listening to "Vienna" by Billy Joel soo often (Thanks mom for introducing me to the most amazing artist ever)!
I really like this song because it has such a classic vibe to it. Whenever I listen to it I feel like I'm in another era but at the same time it relates to my life so well. Many times, I find myself stressing over little things and only waiting for the school year to end and the next summer to begin. Anyhow, whenever I listen to this song, it reminds me to "slow down" and enjoy the moment no matter what the time and place may be!

Well those are all the songs I have to share today! I'll probably be updating this blog every 2-3 days! I hope you enjoy the music and would love if you could let me know some of the songs you've been listening to lately! You can tweet them to me or tell me in a comment on this post!

See ya soon!
Sophia :D

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